Classroom Technology Rules

Rules for Technology in Mrs. B's classroom

​Students, along with their parents, will be asked to sign an agreement at the beginning of each school year.  This will lay out classroom rules. These rules include technological devices and proper use. The school system also has an Internet use agreement that students/parents must sign as well.

  • Students must follow all system guidelines for using Internet. (Student history is randomly checked by teacher.)
  • Misuse of the school system's technology will subject students to have computer/iPad privileges revoked.
  • Students must follow teachers instruction on specific apps, web tools, etc that are being used during classtime.
  • Students must never download any app without permission from the teacher.
  • Students must never take iPads home.  They must remain at school.
  • Students are not allowed to place screen locks on iPads.
  • Students will be responsible for any damages made to their school issued device.

Acceptable Technology Use Policy


I understand that my computer use is not private and that the school district will monitor my activity on the computer system.  I have read the schools policy and agree to abide by these rules.  I understand that violation of the policy or regulations may result in disciplinary action, including loss of technology use, suspension, or expulsion.

Print Student Name_________________________________________________          

Print Grade_________

Student Signature_______________________________            Date_____

  • Students must follow all system guidelines for using Internet. (Student history is randomly checked by teacher.)
  • Misuse of the school system’s technology will subject student to have computer/iPad privileges revoked.
  • Students must follow teacher instruction on specific apps, web tools, etc that are being using during class time.
  • Students must never download any app without permission from the teacher.
  • Students must never take iPads home.  They must remain at scholl.
  • Students are not allowed to place pass locks on iPads.
  • Students will be responsible for any damages made to their school issued device.

Parental Consent

I have read and understand the Acceptable Technology Use Policy. I understand that my child must abide by this policy. 

______ I give, or _____ I do not give, permission for my child to participate in the school district’s electronic communications system and certify that the information contained on this form is correct.

I have read and understand the District’s Acceptable Student Use of Technology policy and regulations.  In consideration for my child being able to use the District’s electronic communications system and have access to the public networks, I hereby release the school district, its operators, and any institutions with which they are affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of, or inability to use, the system, including, without limitation, the types of damage identified in the school district’s policy and administrative regulations.

________________________________                    _________________

Parent/Guardian Signature                                           Date Acceptable Use Policy



Athens City Schools ::. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2016, from